Jan will give a talk at Sebastopol Open Circle on Monday, August 19, from 7 to 9 p.m. The talk’s title is “Stop Trying to Change Yourself (and Watch What Happens).” The address is 8476 Sonoma Avenue, Sebastopol, CA 95472. There is a sliding-scale cost of $10-$20. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. To register, visit www.yogamendocino.org/jan/jan2013tour.html . For more information, call (707) 456-7095 or email janfraziertour@gmail.com .
Event Details
Lynchburg (VA) and Raleigh (NC), DATES CHANGING
In the coming weeks, details about each of these events will appear on this website. If you would like to receive email notification of details about any of these events as they become available, send a message requesting this to jan.frazier.raleigh@gmail.com .
Weekend Retreat October 18-20 in Shutesbury, MA
On the weekend of October 18-20, 2013, there will be a retreat with Jan in Shutesbury, Massachusetts. The retreat will be held at the Sirius community. It will begin on Friday at 7:30 pm (with dinner available at 6:30) and end on Sunday at 1:00 (with lunch to follow).
The cost for the retreat itself is $200-$150 (as income permits). There is an additional cost for meals, and (for those coming from out of town) for lodging.
To register for the retreat (only), contact Jadzia (jadziu@comcast.net).
Information about meals and overnight lodging is here. Local people commuting to the retreat should sign up for commuter-rate meals. To sign up for meals and/or lodging, email Sirius.
Regarding payment for the retreat itself, please be in touch if you’d like to come and cost is an issue. If you are able to give more, please do to help support the attendance of others.
Prince Edward Island Seminar
On Saturday, June 8, Jan will be in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada, at the Hunter River Lions Hall, from 9:00 to 4:30. The cost is $50, which includes lunch. This event is sponsored by The Self Seekers of Charlottetown. Tickets are available through the Health Within Holistic Centre, 500B Queen Street. The phone there is (902) 566-5009; contact denise@healthwithinholistics.com.
For more information, contact Garth at (902) 964-3342.
Buddhist Discussion Group in Grafton, VT, April 23
On Tuesday, April 23, at 6:30, Jan will be a guest speaker at the Buddhist Discussion Group in Grafton, VT. The topic will be “Freedom From Thought.”
We will be at the Grafton Inn, at 92 Main Street, Grafton, in the Homestead Room. The telephone there is (802) 843-2231. All are welcome. The suggested donation is $5.
We will be in the building across from the main building of the inn. There is a large parking area on the right next to the White Church. Park there and enter the handicapped-accessible door. Go straight ahead to the end of the hall. The room is on the left.
For more information, contact Sally Warren at swarl@vermontel.net.