On the weekend of October 18-20, 2013, there will be a retreat with Jan in Shutesbury, Massachusetts. The retreat will be held at the Sirius community. It will begin on Friday at 7:30 pm (with dinner available at 6:30) and end on Sunday at 1:00 (with lunch to follow).
The cost for the retreat itself is $200-$150 (as income permits). There is an additional cost for meals, and (for those coming from out of town) for lodging.
To register for the retreat (only), contact Jadzia (jadziu@comcast.net).
Information about meals and overnight lodging is here. Local people commuting to the retreat should sign up for commuter-rate meals. To sign up for meals and/or lodging, email Sirius.
Regarding payment for the retreat itself, please be in touch if you’d like to come and cost is an issue. If you are able to give more, please do to help support the attendance of others.