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To see all episodes, visit podcast host site.
Here is the text of Jan’s intro:
Greetings. I want to introduce you to the birth of a new adventure: a podcast entitled Dear Heart ~ Sitting with Jan Frazier. Here’s how this idea was born. Sometimes from out of the blue, I’ll think of a certain thing that might help someone whose heart is aching. I think this happens because I’ve never forgotten what it feels like to hurt inside. To be unable to rest.
Recently, I’ve started recording those thoughts. Whenever the spirit moves me, I pause and sit down, recorder in hand, to say what’s come to me just then. There’s no forethought, just the wish to offer some small thing that might lift a person’s spirits, perhaps help them discover what matters most to them. Maybe as a result they’ll feel more alive today. (Life being short and all.)
While recording, I picture myself sitting companionably with one person: you. Whoever that may be. We’re in my place or yours. I say a little, then grow quiet. That’s it. A podcast has been born. Since the recordings aren’t made in a professional audio studio but happen informally, spontaneously and without any script, you’ll notice pauses, occasional background sounds (like the ticking of the wood stove I’m sitting beside). Each podcast is introduced by a gong and unwinds with the lovely song of a hermit thrush. The talking lasts only a few minutes.
Here’s how it will work. On the podcast host site, you will see modest payment options (starting at no charge). If you’ve signed on to become a supporter, each time a new recording is posted, you’ll get an email notification. This will likely be once a month or so. On this email, you’ll also see a link to all prior episodes. (If you’re not into emojis, which seem to come with the territory of podcasts, just ignore them.)
For now, this venture is an experiment. I invite you to join me in it. We will see how things unfold. I look forward to sitting with you.