The Courage to Look is an MP3 download, containing recordings of two talks given by Jan in 2008. The message of these recordings is that awakening takes place in the context of ordinary life. Moment-to-moment awareness is the teacher. Real change does happen — if a person is willing to look deeply at what is.
The Courage to Look
MP3 download
Listen to Sample
From Track 1: Waiting as a Spiritual Teacher
It’s a very ordinary teacher that we happen upon, probably every single day, and that is to notice what is the awareness when I am waiting? What is that? What does it feel like? The attention when a person is in waiting mode… is not on the present. The attention is on the possible future…
Total listening time: 73 minutes
“Every time I have attended a talk by Jan Frazier, I have felt doors opening inside of me, bringing direct insights into my unconscious self-dramas. Jan has a unique ability to transform the most ordinary moments of our mundane lives into extraordinary opportunities for self-realization. Humanity is lucky to have a teacher who so lovingly serves as a mirror to what is, without any baggage of religion, ritual, and tradition.” – Sanjay Nawalkha
“Jan teaches in a way which is simple, kind and direct. Listening to her reminds me of what is true, and of what is possible when opening to each moment. She helps me let go of my painful mental constructs and come back to the simplicity of now. Her gentle reminders to look deeply at what is actually happening are a real guide to peace.” – Kim Weeber
“Jan’s words are accessible, kind, and resonant of the experiences we all share. They are much more understandable than writings by others that are steeped in science, theory, or an unknown secret. Her writing and reading is fresh. I have read every word of A Course in Miracles, the writing of Tolle, Chopra, and many classical spiritual writings of varied disciplines. Jan Frazier has a very special gift.” –Deanne Mincer