Love Incarnate: Twenty Years After Awakening shows what life has been like for Jan Frazier in recent times. The reader gets an intimate acquaintance with her ordinary days, revealing both
her genuine humanness and what it means to be fully awake: for although Jan cherishes her life, she is blessedly free of attachment to any of it.
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“In this latest book by Jan Frazier, we are presented with a wealth of very helpful information on the spiritual journey. Jan details from her experience what awakening is and is not. She is especially good at pointing out the obstacles to awakening that our thinking introduces. Emphasis is laid upon the now moment, being present, the open heart, and vulnerability. I have always been impressed by Jan’s talent as a writer, weaving together concepts such that it’s a delight to read her work. She shares deeply and honestly from the heart when describing her own learning experiences on the path of awakening. One of her teachers is nature, letting the woods and the Grand Canyon help her grow. As you read Jan’s book you will feel the authenticity behind what she says. No theories here. I was left blessed and helped by her words. Thanks, Jan, for another offering to assist people in their spiritual journey. – Michael Dawson, Teacher of A Course in Miracles
“It’s brilliant. I loved reading it, and found it very applicable to my own situation. It is rooted in lived experience, a window into the day-to-day of an awake person. It includes Jan’s daily context (well-trod trail, woods, cabin). It shows family members close to her, helping the reader know her more intimately. And perhaps more than anything, Jan treats mind with a remarkable and well-defined clarity. I know of no other book on spirituality having this daily, real-life perspective. It debunks the impression that being awake means you’re in ecstasy all the time. She locates her reader not in the ethereal but in reality. What a breath of fresh air: no high-flown ideas or lingo. Jan’s words reflect her vast experience counseling seekers over many years. Seeing that she is an ordinary person like the reader, it becomes possible to imagine the same for themselves.” – James Edward, Musician